A rock-hard “six pack” is something that many men and some ladies would like to have, but is a washboard stomach as sported by the likes of Brad Pitt, David Beck ham, the dude in the film 300, and Mr 50 Cent himself realistically attainable for the non-professional sportsman, actor, and rappers of this world? Can the millions of developing Homer Simpson clones in Average Land ever hope to disrobe with gleeful pride at the beach?
The excellent news is that there is real hope. A “six pack” is definitely and absolutely achievable for us the mere mortal masses, not appraise, provided a few fundamental rules of thumb are followed and implemented. The not-so-bad news, however, is that it will take merely a teeny-weeny little bit of effort and discipline to make it happen, but YES, it is one hundred percent do-able for the slightly podgy average man at street level; we can have that “six pack”!
If you are an average man, it might be helpful to cut your daily intake of calories from 2500 to two thousand kcal, while if you’re a beautifully average woman, it would be useful to cut your calorie consumption from approximately two thousand to 1500 kcal. This is the eat less bit.
Next, run walk, swim, jump, skip, or cycle for 30-45 mins each day; get that pulse rate up and take pleasure in those falling sweat beads. Note, cardiovascular exercise is the genuine key to killer “abs”. It burns fat from all over the body and it is because of this drop in overall fat mass that trunk muscles begin to show in that “ripped” six-pack way. It is better to look toned and muscly when leaner and less wobbly!
Finally, integrate stomach crunches into your exciting new way of life. For lower abdomens, from your belly button down, lie horizontal on your back, preferably on an exercise mat, and place your hands behind your, well, behind, so that your back is nice and straight and supported; bring your knees up towards your chest area, hold and slowly back down till your feet touch the mat. Do this 20 times in sets of 4, resting for a couple of mins in between.