Foods That Detoxify The Body

Our world is full of toxins. They are in the air we breathe, in the foods we eat, and in the water we drink. While our bodies naturally work to get rid of these toxins, the high levels of pollution that we have today can be overwhelming to our system and, as we age, more and more toxins build up. These toxins lead to illness, disease, and even death. Luckily there is something that we can do to help our bodies and that’s to be sure to eat foods that detoxify the body naturally.

One thing that you can do if you want to help your body in the detoxification process is to be sure to pick organic foods whenever you can. Organic foods are grown without chemicals and pesticides so eating them will not add any extra toxins to your body.

While non-organic foods might be less expensive, they are usually full of toxins from the pesticides used to grow them and when you eat the foods, toxins go right into your body thus adding an extra load on your detoxification system. Spending a little bit more on organic foods now will probably save you a lot of money in medical bills later on.

One merely needs to look at nature to find the foods that detoxify the body best. Fresh fruits and vegetables (organically grown, of course) are among the best detoxifiers. Onions, cauliflower, and broccoli are particularly good and artichokes are well known for helping detoxify the liver.

When eating fruit for detoxification purposes you want to be sure to use fresh fruits either the whole fruit or in a juice but eat it by itself at least two or three hours before or after any other types of food. All foods are good including melons, berries, citrus fruits, bananas, apples, and nectarines.

While we often think of parsley as just a garnish for our plates it actually is a great detoxifying food as it is a powerful tonic that flushes the kidneys.

Garlic is well known for its health properties one of these is that it is a potent blood cleanser that aids in the detoxification process. Garlic is best eaten when it is raw – mash up a clove wait 10 minutes for active chemicals to activate and add it on top of your pasta or bread for a healthy treat.

Along with fruits and vegetables, there is a variety of herbs that are wonderful for detoxifying the body. Milk thistle, dandelion, marshmallow, turmeric, and ginger are but a few.

Making sure that you eat plenty of foods that detoxify the body as well as doing a periodic body detox will help to offset the accumulation of toxins that can be so harmful to your health.

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